
Commercial Airports Conversion to Fluorine-Free Foam

Published on:

December 12, 2023

Below is a list of the discussion topics which will be included:

  1. Changing firefighting foam legislation
  2. The new fluorine-free foam MILSPEC
  3. How clean is “clean”? (ARFF vehicle conversion)
  4. Key topics of the ARFF vehicle conversion
  5. Fuel tank storage conversion to fluorine-free foam
  6. Aircraft hangars conversion to fluorine-free foam
  7. Firefighter handline training techniques

About the Presenter

Philip Novac is the Vice President of Sales for National Foam. In this capacity, Philip has direct responsibility for sales, product management, training, and special projects. Philip has been associated, led or managed all of National Foam’s fluorine free foam initiatives over the last several years. This includes specific portfolio foam concentrates for Oil and Gas, municipal, industrial, aviation and MilSpec (Department of Defense).

Philip led the introduction of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) foam concentrates into Canada and advised numerous Canadian Airports on the successful conversion from fluorinated aviation foams to non-fluorinated foams. He is also National Foam’s special project lead dealing specifically with the Department of Defense and Naval Research Laboratory (the warrant holder for the US MilSpec). Philip has been the primary point of contact throughout the development of National Foam range of foams that are candidates for NRL testing to qualification for MilSpec and commercial airports. Philip and his team have developed and presented a comprehensive foam conversion process to numerous civilian airports as stakeholders prepare for transition process to the new MilSpec foam concentrate. Philip is the past Fire Fighting Foam Coalition Chairman (FFFC) located in Washington, DC.

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